Author Guidelines

Paper Submission For Review

Contributions must be written in English and report on original, unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The submissions must be prepared using Springer’s LNCS style. Submissions not adhering to the specified constraints may be rejected without review. Papers must be submitted electronically in pdf via the ICITAS’18 interface of the EasyChair system (

We solicit four kinds of submissions:

- Full papers (up to 8 pages): Describing thorough and complete research results, tools or experience reports.
- Short papers (up to 4 pages): Describing research results that are not fully developed, or manifestos, calls to action, personal views on related research, on the current state of the art, or on prospects for the years to come.
- Posters (up to 2 pages): Students can submit descriptions of posters that will be presented at the conference during a students poster session. Neither the descriptions or the posters will be published in the proceedings.

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline:
June 30, 2018

Poster submission deadline:
June 30, 2018

Final camera-ready paper:
Sept 20, 2018

October 12-13, 2018

Papers Submission Deadline:
July 21, 2018

Notification of Acceptance:
Sept 7, 2018

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