
Keynote Speakers



Prof. Dr. Mira Mezini (Technische Universität Darmstadt)


Prof. Dr. Mira Mezini is a professor of Computer Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt and serves as the Vice President. She completed undergraduate studies in Computer Science at the University of Tirana. In 1997 she completed her PhD at the University of Siegen. From 1997 until 2000 she held positions at the Northeastern University (Boston) and the University of Siegen. Since she has been a professor at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Recently she became a member of German Academy of Technical Sciences. Her research focuses on software development paradigms and tools. She and her group develop programming languages to enable the visions of “software as a service (SaaS)” and “software product-lines” by providing large-scale module concepts with built-in support for adaptability and extensibility; work on intelligent software-development environments that guide developers to increase the development productivity and the software quality. She has (co)authored over 150 scientific publications in renowned publication venues in software engineering and programming languages. Prof. Mira Mezini regularly serves on steering committees, program committees, and editorial boards of top tier conferences and journals in software engineering and programming language



Prof. Dr. Bernd Freisleben (Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany)


Prof. Dr. Bernd Freisleben is a professor of Computer Science at the Philipps-Universität Marburg.  His key work areas in research and teaching are methods for developing distributed systems and various applications that profit from being executed in a distributed/parallel computing environment. His research focuses on software infrastructures, services, and tools for cluster/grid/cloud computing, middleware for internet application environments, as well as approaches for the distributed/parallel solution of computation- and data-intensive problems from the areas of data analysis, simulation and optimization in scientific computing, computational engineering, and multimedia computing. Current application areas are biocomputing and image processing and analysis. Aspects of IT security, reliability, efficiency and scalability of infrastructures and applications are investigated as crosscutting topics.



Prof. Dr. Gholamreza Anbarjafari (University of Tartu, Estonia )


Prof. Dr. Gholamreza Anbarjafari (Shahab) received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Famagusta, Cyprus, in (Jan) 2007, (June) 2008, (Jan) 2011 respectively. He has been working in the field of image processing and is currently focusing in many research works related to face recognition/tracking, image enhancement, super resolution, image compression, watermarking, and low-bit rate video coding. He is currently working as an Assoc. Prof. in Institute of Technology at University of Tartu and is the head of iCV research group. He is also the supervisor of Philosopher, the Estonian Robocup team of university of Tartu. He is Vice Chair of Signal Processing / Circuits and Systems / Solid-State Circuits Joint Societies Chapter of IEEE Estonia and Consular of IEEE Student Branch at University of Tartu. He is an IEEE Senior member since 2016.




Medical Image Processing and Applications


We are organizing a special workshop that welcomes submissions on Medical Imaging. This session will focus on an ongoing Horizon 2020 project.

The project is titled Personalized And/Or Generalized Integrated Biomaterial Risk Assessment (PANBioRA) and aims at providing a comprehensive solution for the time- and cost-effective risk assessment of i) new biomaterials under health or disease states or ii) a given biomaterial for each patient in a personalized manner. It will standardize the evaluation of biomaterials and open the venue for pre-implantation, personalized diagnostics for biomaterial based applications.



Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline:
June 30, 2018

Poster submission deadline:
June 30, 2018

Final camera-ready paper:
Sept 20, 2018

October 12-13, 2018

Papers Submission Deadline:
July 21, 2018

Notification of Acceptance:
Sept 7, 2018

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